21 stopenj meditacije
21. oktobra, 2023 - 22. oktobra, 2023
Pričetek 21.–22. oktobra 2023 v Sloveniji
KRI level 3
(udeležba nima predpogojev)
6-dnevni tečaj bomo izvedli v treh delih z enkratno Hari Har Ji Kaur (Velika Britanja).
Prvi del /THE CRYSTALLIZED SELF: 21. in 22. oktobra 2023
Drugi del /THE EXPRESSIVE SELF: februarja 2024
Tretji del /THE TRANSCENDENT SELF: septembra 2024
Datum: 21. in 22. oktober 2023, oba dneva od 9.30 do 19.00 z odmori za kosilo
Lokacija: Studio Eviana, Špruha 19, Trzin, Slovenija
Cena: 210 €, vključeni so čaj in prigrizki.
Popust za zgodnje prijave: za prijave do 1. 10. 2023 je cena 180 € s plačilom prvih 50 € na TRR: SI56 6100 0001 3425 438 ali z gotovino.
Prijave in informacije: prabunam (a) yahoo com ali 041 822 616, Anastasia.
V stanju globoke meditacije začutimo srečo, radost, ljubezen, blagoslov.
Jogi Bhajan je dejal, da lahko pot meditacije delimo na 21 stopenj, ki jih lahko združimo v tri potovanja. Na vsaki stopnji razvijemo določeno psihično spretnost ter podpremo posebno dimenzijo Sebe. Na vsaki stopnji s tem namenom izvajamo določeno meditacijo.
(Opis potovanj in stopenj v angleščini)
21 Stages of Meditation is a meditation course where you can become deeply in touch with your ability to self-regulate, meditate, and awaken your meditative capacity and calm inner strength.
This course is full of in-depth and profound meditations, ranging from 31 minutes in length to 2.5 hours (with breaks). It is available for anyone – whether you are a beginner or a long-time meditator from any tradition. There will be a wide variety of meditations to practice.
The full course is three 2-day “journeys”. On this weekend we are offering the first 2-day “journey”. Even if you have previously taken The 21 Stages, each time your experience will be unique. Each journey is a 2-day process that takes you step-by-step into a deeper level of awakening and realization. We move through the basics of meditation to the deeper levels of awareness/integration and finally into developing your core strengths in deep meditation.
Stage 7 – Experience and Crystallize the Self / Meditation: To Experience and Crystallize the Self
Stage 13 — Graceful Enlightenment — marks the beginning of the end of duality. Mastery of the polarities begins at the heart; we quit judging the life we’re living and instead, begin living from compassion, insight and expansiveness.
Stage 21 – Infinite Pulse / Meditation for Infinite Pulse: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya