Nalaganje Dogodki

Pričetek 21.–22. oktobra 2023 v Sloveniji

KRI level 3

(udeležba nima predpogojev)

6-dnevni tečaj bomo izvedli v treh delih z enkratno Hari Har Ji Kaur (Velika Britanja).

Prvi del /THE CRYSTALLIZED SELF:  21. in 22. oktobra 2023

Drugi del /THE EXPRESSIVE SELF: februarja 2024

Tretji del /THE TRANSCENDENT SELF: septembra 2024


Datum: 21. in 22. oktober 2023, oba dneva od 9.30 do 19.00 z odmori za kosilo

Lokacija: Studio Eviana, Špruha 19, Trzin, Slovenija

Cena: 210 €, vključeni so čaj in prigrizki.

Popust za zgodnje prijave: za prijave do 1. 10. 2023 je cena 180 € s plačilom prvih 50 € na TRR: SI56 6100 0001 3425 438 ali z gotovino.

Prijave in informacije: prabunam (a) yahoo com ali 041 822 616, Anastasia.


Tečaj vam da orodja za obvladovanje Uma in izkušnjo poglobitve in raziskovanja Sebe.
Z meditacijo se približamo svoji idenititeti in razumemo svojo misijo.

V stanju globoke meditacije začutimo srečo, radost, ljubezen, blagoslov.

Tečaj bo vodila izkušena učiteljica KRI Hari Har Ji Kaur, ki že več 20 let vodi učiteljske tečaje 1. in 2. stopnje ter intenzivne seminarje po celem svetu.


Jogi Bhajan je dejal, da lahko pot meditacije delimo na 21 stopenj, ki jih lahko združimo v tri potovanja. Na vsaki stopnji razvijemo določeno psihično spretnost ter podpremo posebno dimenzijo Sebe. Na vsaki stopnji s tem namenom izvajamo določeno meditacijo.

(Opis potovanj in stopenj v angleščini)


21 Stages of Meditation is a meditation course where you can become deeply in touch with your ability to self-regulate, meditate, and awaken your meditative capacity and calm inner strength.

This course is full of in-depth and profound meditations, ranging from 31 minutes in length to 2.5 hours (with breaks). It is available for anyone – whether you are a beginner or a long-time meditator from any tradition. There will be a wide variety of meditations to practice.

The full course is three 2-day “journeys”. On this weekend we are offering the first 2-day “journey”. Even if you have previously taken The 21 Stages, each time your experience will be unique. Each journey is a 2-day process that takes you step-by-step into a deeper level of awakening and realization. We move through the basics of meditation to the deeper levels of awareness/integration and finally into developing your core strengths in deep meditation.

Stage 1 – Upset / Meditation to Conquer Upset
Stage 2 – Boredom / Meditation: See Your Horizon
Stage 3 – Irritation / Meditation: Eyeglass Traatik
Stage 4 – Frustration / Meditation: Self-Hypnosis to Dissolve Frustration
Stage 5 – Focus / Meditation: For Focus and an Alert Mind
Stage 6 – Absorption / Meditation: For Absorption in the Crystal Being
Stage 7 – Experience and Crystallize the Self / Meditation: To Experience and Crystallize the Self
Stage 8 – Rasa / Meditation Series for Rasa
Stage 9 – Delight / Meditation: For Delight, Destiny and Creative Flow in Life
Stage 10 – Politeness / Meditation for Politeness
Stage 11 – Humility / Meditations: Bowing Before the Infinite for Humility, Speaking Humbly before the Creative Infinity, Bowing for Humility to Transfer Prana
Stage 12 – Elevation / Meditations: For Elevation, For Rasas and the Inner Eye
Stage 13 – Graceful Enlightenment / Meditation for Graceful Enlightenment and Strength of Heart
Stage 14 – Express and Be Your Self / Meditations: The Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra, Sankh Mudra Kriya, Laya Meditation to Beam and Create, Sukh Sadhana, Express Your Real Self and Develop the Subtle Body
Stage 13 — Graceful Enlightenment — marks the beginning of the end of duality. Mastery of the polarities begins at the heart; we quit judging the life we’re living and instead, begin living from compassion, insight and expansiveness.
Stage 15 – Presence Like a Beacon / Tattva Siddhi Meditation for Presence Like a Beacon
Stage 16 – Everywhere Radiance / Meditation: Polishing the Radiant Body
Stage 17 – Prayerful Stillness / Meditation: Deeksha Patra for Prayerful Stillness
Stage 18 – Preacher / Meditation: Chautay Padma Nirgun Mantra
Stage 19 – Teacher / Teacher Meditation – Traatik to See the Energy
Stage 20 – Sage / Meditation for the Sage: Sarb Gyan Kriya
Stage 21 – Infinite Pulse / Meditation for Infinite Pulse: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
Vabljeni, da se pridružite skupini sorodnih Duš in pričnete potovanje noter sebe!